Building from Source

Following procedure describes how to setup a build environment and build JVCS client applications directly from the latest sources from our VCS on
This documentation is contributed from Wayne Sherman (Thank you Wayne!) for the Delphi7 Enterprise Architect environment but should as work with little changes with Delphi5 or Delphi6.

Notes: If you have problems with "ToolsApi" in Delphi7, please search also our newsgroup for relevant postings. Building the JVCS clients with Delphi6 Personal is supported, please refer to the makefile documentation howtomake.html available from our VCS.
Please also note that building some JVCS appserver ports need commercial components packages (actually for DBISAM server port and FIB+) server port). These were contributed to the JEDI VCS Team. You may either license these component packages or download binaries.

Bootstrapping the JVCS Client Environment for Delphi7

This procedure is written for those with Delphi 7 installed and tested using D7 Enterprise Architect.
  1. Make a folder where you want to put the JediVCS files
    e.g. "c:\jedisource"
  2. At a command prompt use "Subst" to create a V: drive which points to the folder you created in step #1
    e.g. subst.exe v: "c:\jedisource"
  3. Make a new folder on the V: drive for the JVCS console client
    md V:\projects\jedivcs\bin\client
  4. Download the JVCS console client here:
    Now extract the JVCS console client files to the folder you created in step #3 (V:\projects\jedivcs\bin\client)
  5. Open up a command prompt and change to the folder created in step #3, and run a JVCS command to download the build files.
    cd /d V:\projects\jedivcs\bin\client
    jvcs -user jedifvcs -password jedifvcs -syncproject jvcsmake noprompt
    (This will download the build files)
  6. Change to the src folder and run the build target which downloads the rest of the client files:
    cd \projects\jedivcs\src
    make JVCS_SyncSrcClient
    (This will download the source files needed to build the client)
  7. If you don't have them, download the most recent  JVCL 3 from the daily build page:
    and the JCL 1.91 from:
    Extract to an appropriate folder (e.g. v:\projects\jedivcs\src\)
  9. Edit the make "include" file to point to your installs of JVCL and JCL:
    (Edit V:\projects\jedivcs\src\compsearch.mki)
    Change the paths for JCL and JVCL to point to the appropriate locations if necessary
    Note: There is JCL = ... and JVCL = ... which defines the search pathes for JCL and JVCL units
    Add a line pointing to your Delphi 7 ToolsAPI folder:
    e.g. TOOLSAPI = "C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Source\ToolsAPI"
    Edit the SRCCOMP line to include your newly added TOOLSAPI e.g.
    create a dcu folder
    md V:\projects\jedivcs\dcu
  10. From a command prompt in the src folder (V:\projects\jedivcs\src) run:
    make JVCS_Client
    If all goes well, several binaries should have successfully built (check the bin/client folder).
  11. Now we just need a couple of DLL's in the bin folder for JediVCS.exe to be able to transfer files (Unzdll.dll and Zipdll.dll).
    From a command prompt in the "V:\projects\jedivcs\bin\client" folder type the following:
    jvcs -user jedifvcs -password jedifvcs -syncproject jedivcs_3rdparty noprompt
    In the "V:\projects\jedivcs\3rdparty" folder, you will find "delzip14.exe". Extract this to a temporary location. Copy unzdll.dll" and "zipdll.dll" from the "dll" folder to "V:\projects\jedivcs\bin\client".
    Note: As of 2004-Feb-22, during my testing jvcs.exe repeatedly corrupted the download of delzip14.exe. Another way to get the DLL files it is to install the original FreeVCS from here: (Stand-alone 2.2.1)
    (copy the DLLs from the install folder)
  12. Now your JediVCS.exe should be functioning. Connect up to here to test it:
    Port: 2106
    UserName: jedifvcs
    Password: jedifvcs